In my new book, One Plus One Equals One, I speak about a concept called “soul-nakedness.” It’s a common challenge in many marriages today. My hope is to get many marriages to understand this concept to better improve their marriages.
Let’s start at the beginning. The first two people to have a marriage union— Adam and Eve. As we know, they were naked in the Garden. Their nakedness means no cover-up, total vulnerability, total trust, and total acceptance.
The ability to “bare your soul” is often missing between married partners. Often it is the fear of being rejected, or of being made fun of that keeps us from “bearing our soul.”
In Jeremiah 24:7, God said, “I will give them a heart to know Me...”
Deep intimacy in a relationship is the heart cry of every life. We are created for oneness− first with God and then with a mate. What every woman needs, desires, and wants is a God−like man.
Jesus reveals what true manhood is all about. He demonstrated a perfectly balanced life. He was secure in His identity. He knew who He was, what He was, and what His purpose was. He was truth personified. There was no pretense, no cover-up, no façade.
God has always intended that you and I live from the inside to the outside, from the spirit-man in communion with the eternal Spirit of God rather than from the outside to the inside – the soul and body in communion with your environment.
Romans 8:6 (AMPC)
Now the mind of the flesh (which is sense and reason without the Holy Spirit) is death. But the mind of the (Holy) Spirit is life and (soul) peace (both now and forever).
Spiritual vision comes from divine revelation. Inward communion with God brings about outward behavior, which results in life and peace. This peace is not just the absence of conflict but a peace which is the possession of adequate resources, making us secure. When the heart has this kind of peace, life is abundant, energetic, courageous, and resourceful.
When you are secure with each other, then the ability to bear your soul to your spouse becomes effortless. The more you bear your soul and experience “soul-nakness,” the more oneness develops.
Be one. Experience oneness in your marriage.